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Fire Extinguisher Inspections, Sales and Service

Fire Extinguishers play a vital role in any fire protection plan in any environment. The are a first aide response to fire and can help prevent catastrophic damage to property and even loss of life. We offer Annual and Monthly Inspections, Sales and Service. 


Kitchen Suppression System Inspections, Sales and Service

Kitchens are often one of the highest risk areas for fires. A properly serviced fire suppression systems can avoid disaster. We are properly trained to handle your semi annual inspections and routine maintenance. 


Industrial Suppression System Inspections, Sales and Service

Dry Chemical Industrial systems are available for a wide range of applications such as paint booths, paint mixing rooms, storage containers and more. We offer inspections, service and even installation. 

Emergency Lighting Inspections and Service

It is often that emergency lighting is installed and forgotten. Most emergency lighting units use batteries which have a limited lifespan. NFPA and IFC require emergency lighting stay illuminated for 90 minutes following a power outage. We offer annual and monthly inspections to insure your lighting will stay lit.

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Why Choose Us? 

  • Customer Driven - We are committed to understanding the needs of our customers and to exceeding their expectations every time.

  • We follow safety measures - We are very serious about safety. We take additional care that no person is put at risk to achieve our goals.

  • Communication is our strength - We communicate effectively and clearly with our clients so that we know what they mean.

  • Documentation is important - We provide detailed inspection and service reports so you have them when you need them. 

  • We follow the approach of ‘forward thinking’-  We have years of knowledge in the field which gives us the ability to recognize, anticipate and act to ensure a successful result.

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